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第十五季 (播出目录) (2020) Season 15   ,   S15E01 南马都尔岛之谜 The Mystery of Nan Madol (2020年01月 25日播出);   S15E02 罗斯威尔残骸 The Relics of Roswell (2020年02月01日播出);   S15E03 目的地智利 Destination Chile (2020年02月08日播出);   S15E04 真实的黑衣人 The Real Men in Black (2020年02月15日播出);   S15E05 石巨人之谜 The Mystery of the Stone Giants (2020年02月22日播出);   S15E06 时间之前的世界 The World Before Time (2020年02月29日播出);   S15E07 来自昴宿星的外星人 They Came From The Pleiades (2020年03月07日播出);   S15E08 不朽机器 The Immortality Machine (2020年03月14日播出);   S15E09 变形者 The Shapeshifters (2020年03月21日播出);   S15E10 “皮行者”牧场之谜 The Mystery of the Skinwalker Ranch (2020年03月28日播出);   S15E11 不明飞行物终极指南 The Ultimate Guide To Ufos (2020年04月11日播出);   S15E12 外星人与总统 Aliens and the Presidents (2020年04月18日播出);   本季终!   官方网站预告:第十六季 十一月十三日开始播出!



    新婚燕尔的林秀珊(张子枫 饰)和王锐(胡先煦 饰)在不同城市打工,每月见一次,搭绿皮慢车去到对方的城;拨定闹钟,欢爱一宿,再踏着晨曦别离。在没有手机的年岁里,那是属于父母辈的异地恋。中秋节当日,两人意外得了一天假期,想给对方惊喜。老天 却像在开玩笑,一天之中他俩奔波/错过/急返,不断双向奔赴,不断擦身而行。在反向行驶的列车上,两人遇见形形色色的乘客:有人争欢,有人聚散,有人生死。疲惫的一天过去,他俩咀嚼了生命的况味,领略了爱情的虚实。
    Military Channel关于二战东线的纪录片系列。   Episode 1: Operation Barbarossa   Episode 2: Kiev, 1941   Episode 3: The Defence of Sevastopol   Episode 4: The Battle for Moscow   Episode 5: Leningrad   Episode 6: Rzhev   Episode 7: Stalingrad   Episode 8: The Battle for Caucasus   Episode 9: The Kursk Bulge   Episode 10: From the Dnieper to the Oder   Episode 11: Operation Bagration   Episode 12: War in the Air   Episode 13: War in the Sea   Episode 14: The Partisan Movement   Episode 15: Secret Intelligence of the Red Army   Episode 16: The Battle for Germany   Episode 17: Berlin   Episode 18: War Against Japa
    纪录片《伟大的卫国战争》第二季仍然延续了第一季的叙事方式,按照时间顺序,展示了从卫国战争爆发到取得全面胜利的全过程。与第一季不同的是,第二季更加侧重于战争揭秘,不仅描述了基辅战役、高加索战役等第一季节目中少有涉及的战役,还从海战、空战、游击战、谍报战等各个不同的侧面来展现卫国战争的艰苦卓绝。第一季节目以苏联红军攻克柏林为结尾,而在第二季中,则补充了对日作战的内容,苏联红军在远东地区打败日本关东军的史实,在节目中得以展现。   苏联卫国战争经历了退却、坚守、反攻到最后胜利的几个阶段,面对强大的敌人,苏联军民不断调整斗争策略,与德国法西斯奋战到底。   在第二季中,您能看到在复杂的战争情势下,苏联最高统帅部及大批苏军将领的斗争智慧,他们是如何审时度势扭转乾坤;   您能看到二战期间,苏联如何在全球布下谍报网络,以佐尔格为代表的一批优秀特工,是如何出生入死行走于刀锋,为苏联提供至关重要的情报;   您能看到苏联红军如何势如破竹,突破日本关东军在中国东北的设下的重重障碍,迫使日军缴械投降......   也许您并不知道,苏联的第一支游击队成立于卫国战争爆发当天,整个战争期间,苏联游击队牵制了德军52个师,比盟军在第二战场上面对的德国总兵力还要多!他们是如何神出鬼没,让希特勒束手无策的?   也许您还不知道,在波罗的海,德国法西斯曾布下数量众多的常规水雷、磁感应水雷和反潜水雷。苏联海军是如何与德国海军斗智斗勇,清除水雷障碍,从而切断德国的海上运输线的?   在纪录片《伟大的卫国战争》第二季中,相信您会找到答案。
    近距離觀察五位熱愛刺激的世界頂尖求生高手如何施展絕技   在毫無準備、孤立無援的情況下,如果你被人擄走、矇上雙眼,帶到一個未知的偏遠地方,你會怎麼做?觀眾將跟著五位求生高手一起參加這場「比賽」,看他們如何使出渾身解數接受終極考驗。《野放求生專家》將於6月25日起,每週三晚間10點首播,並於每週日下午5點重播。   每一集都將有一位求生高手被其他四人擄走,擄人的地點可能是工作的地方、家裡、咖啡館或任何地方!接著他們會被丟到世上最惡劣的環境,被迫設法平安地活下來、毫髮無傷地重返文明世界,他們必須在100小時內達成這項任務,否則比賽就立刻結束。比賽過程中,另外四位夥伴會在附近的遙控指揮中心嚴密監控參賽者的進度與生命跡象。   每一集《野放求生專家》都是一場高潮迭起的人類與自然對抗賽,從茂密的叢林到酷寒的冰河,這場鬥智的求生比賽深入地球各個角落。賭上名聲與誇耀的權利,這些參賽者是否具備克服終極挑戰的能耐?
    Celebrates the remarkable comeback of one of the world's most iconic animals. Tiger populations have rebounded so successfully, many of the big cats are venturing from India's forest reserves into farms and villages-a monumental challenge for both people and animals. The heroes in this story are the vets, scientists, and community patrols dedicated to ensuring that tigers and people can coexist.
    Alcohol: No substance in the world seems so familiar to us and is so incredibly diverse in its effect. Alcohol is available everywhere and this particular molecule has the power to affect all 200 billion neurons of our human brain in completely different ways. But hardly anyone calls alcohol a drug despite its psychoactive and cell-destroying effect. Why do we tolerate the death of three million people every year? Have we turned a blind eye to the dangers and risks for thousands of years? What role does the powerful alcohol industry play with an annual turnover of 1.2 trillion euros in this on-going concealment? The author, who himself enjoys having a drink, looks into the question why we drink at all, what alcohol does to us and to what extent the alcohol industry influences society and politics. He travels around the world from Germany via England to Nigeria to detect aggressive trading practices of the global alcohol industry seeking growth in new markets at all costs. He also visits Iceland, which successfully made the turnaround: Where 20 years ago hordes of drunks roamed the streets, young people today master their need for relaxation and life stimulants without alcohol. The film has no intention to point a moral finger but nevertheless will significantly change the drinking habits of the viewer.
    Every summer, teenage girls from across Missouri spend a week building a government from the ground up. Coming from different ends of the political and socioeconomic spectrum, they all share a passion for reimagining the future of America. The filmmakers behind Boys State (T/F 2020) return to the world of teen politics to capture the 2022 program – the first time in history that Girls State and Boys State take place simultaneously on the same campus. With rumors of Roe v. Wade being overturned in the real world, the stakes feel higher than ever for these ambitious and dedicated young women. As the days unfold and rumblings from the Boys program make their way across campus, discontent begins to emerge over the disparities between the two. An exhilarating portrait of our political landscape and the pivotal issue of gender equality.
    James Benning’s first film called The United States of America was a 1975 trip across the country, capturing its scenery through a car windshield. This second one also crisscrosses the nation, but without a car, carving it up instead into a series of static shots of just under two minutes, one for each state, presented alphabetically, from Heron Bay, Alabama to Kelly, Wyoming. The names of the places are nondescript, but the images attached to them are anything but, immaculately composed shots of landscape, cityscape and the spaces in between. As we move from A to Z, the images coalesce into a portrait of today’s USA, tracing out its fault lines almost in passing: fenced-off facilities, a river bed running dry, factories and refineries, run-down streets and gas stations, a camp under a bridge. The past is there too, seeping up through the songs and speeches that sporadically pierce the background noise or the motifs that evoke a whole career; the clouds, trains and cabins are stand-ins for films, not just states. As always, there’s time for more abstract thoughts too: each image may stand for a state, but representativity is slippery. Which state is more cinematic than the rest?
